Info for Voting
It is always good to have a plan to vote. Below are some of the important deadlines and information about how to request an absentee ballot if you need to vote from home, while away from home, or would prefer to vote early.
In-person absentee voting, also known as early voting, will begin on October 25th. Hours and locations vary in each municipality, so make sure to check with your local clerk or elections commission to know when this option is available for you. Their contact info is listed below.
You can also request that a mail-in absentee ballot be sent to you either by sending a request in writing to your clerk or elections commission, or by initiating the request at:
If this is your first time requesting a mail-in ballot, you will need to send a copy or photo of your photo ID. The deadline to make this request is November 4th at 5:00pm. However, the USPS recommends allowing for at least 7 days for each delivery. This means that, if you are intending to vote completely by mail, it is best to get this request in by October 25th. If you are tight on time as Election Day approaches, you can always drop your absentee ballot off in person to your clerk.
Federal law provides accommodation to voters who have disabilities. Disability Rights Wisconsin has information about how to utilize these accommodations. They can be reached at 844-347-8683, or by email at
Contact Info for Clerks
Municipal clerks are the experts who make our elections possible. If you have any questions about how you can vote Nov. 8th, or in any election, do not hesitate to reach out to them. They are here to help!