Below is more information about my stances and the actions that I have taken on some of the most important issues facing our state.
Public Safety and Justice
Everyone should feel safe in their communities, including the schools we send our children to and the places where we shop and worship.
Good Government and Elections
In Madison, I have authored and co-sponsored many bills each session that would put the reins of government back in the hands of the people.
Jobs, Education and the Economy
The health of our economy impacts nearly every facet of our way of life. When people struggle to make ends meet, it ripples throughout the decisions they make from day to day and through the lives of the people they love.
I believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and I support policies that expand access to healthcare and make it more affordable, as well as workforce support to help end the shortages of doctors, nurses, and other critical personnel.
Our Environment
We have no option to ignore the effects of climate change and pollution on our environment. We must keep working to make sure that we leave a better world for our state’s children.
Serving our state’s veterans and men and women in uniform on the Veterans and Military Affairs Committee is one of my greatest honors from my time in the legislature.
One of my top priorities in the legislature has been supporting seniors and addressing the issues that affect them.